When browsing Reddit we came across a novel site-WorryMuncher. WorryMuncher invites you to share a current worry you are carrying and through some inspirational messages and animations, encourages you to let it go. So simple, yet appeared to be loved by those who came across it we reached out to its creator to learn more. Check out WorryMuncher and if you would like to learn more about it read below.
Tag: resources
Know Your Why would like to give a big thank you to Matt G from Thee Adventures of Matt for his interview featuring our founder Chris D.
Matt and Chris discuss Know Your Why, some personal experiences, and the state of treatment in their respective areas amongst other topics. If you missed the live cast you can view it here
Asking for Help
Below find this article by the creator of Know Your Why Recovery which was featured by our friends at Social and Relevant. The original publication link is https://socialandrelevant.wordpress.com/2020/05/21/mham-guest-writer-chris-dorian-may-is-mental-health-awareness-month/
This article describes May as Mental Health Month