Blog General Information

Help Support Know Your Why

Hey everyone. First off, thank you for your support so far these past two and a half years.

Although Know Your Why is not registered as a non-profit yet, it does not sell any product, bring in an income, receive any type of compensation, or turn a profit in any way. The people who help make Know Your Why possible and keep it running do so without payment and on their own time.

However, to keep know Your Why alive and running, there are recurring costs involved—web hosting, domain name, and security amongst other miscellaneous costs. Know Your Why also has a vision of growth including podcasts, publications, advertising for visibility, and direct contributions to mental health and addiction programs/charities.

We humbly ask that if you enjoy Know Your Why, want to see us grow, and want to help us continue to spread a positive message of health, recovery, and wellness that you consider contributing. Your support will immediately help us defer costs and keep the site and movement alive. Any amount will help and be appreciated.

If you can’t support us financially or are unsure but would like to learn more, visit us on our various platforms. Any like, comment, or share is greatly appreciated and equally important as any financial support.

Thank you in advance. To help support Know Your Why Recovery please visit our GoFundMe.

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Brief Thoughts General Information Linked Articles Resources

Moral Injury or Burnout?

Burnout is a term that has been used to describe a condition professionals in the field and caregivers have experienced related to their work. With the emergence of the COVID19 pandemic, are we accurately categorizing what professionals and caregivers are feeling when we use the term burnout?

The past few years have seen growing attention to the term “moral injury.” This term may more accurately describe what many are experiencing globally as they struggle to maintain high standards of patient care.

Relias has put together a mental health toolkit for providers and in it are a number of blog posts and webinars that explore the concepts of burnout and moral injury, as well as, why using the right term matters. You can find that toolkit here.

Disclaimer: Know Your Why does not specifically endorse the services provided by Relias nor are we receiving any form of compensation for mentioning and linking their content

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Awareness Events General Information Resources

May is Mental Health Month 2021

May is Mental Heath Month

Every May in the United States Mental Health Month is recognized. Read below for more information and resources

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General Information Interview Podcast Resources

Podcasting with Maximal Being

Know Your Why would like to give a thank you to Maximal Being for having us on their most recent podcast.

Our founder discusses substance use, addiction, and other related topics. The video can be viewed here as well as other platforms linked through Maximal Being

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Brief Thoughts Resources

Got a worry? Check out WorryMuncher!

When browsing Reddit we came across a novel site-WorryMuncher. WorryMuncher invites you to share a current worry you are carrying and through some inspirational messages and animations, encourages you to let it go. So simple, yet appeared to be loved by those who came across it we reached out to its creator to learn more. Check out WorryMuncher and if you would like to learn more about it read below.

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Interview #2 Co-Occurring Disorders w/ Thee Adventures of Matt

Know Your Why would like to give a big thank you once again to Matt G from Thee Adventures of Matt for his interview featuring our founder Chris D. This time the topic was Co-Occurring Disorders. What does that mean? Why does it matter? What support and treatment are available?

Get the answers in the interview here

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Guest Blog Linked Articles

Guest Blog-Kevin from FYN Creative and The Niche Movement-My Story of Depression and Anxiety

Our next guest blog comes from Kevin at The Niche Movement and FYN Creative. In this candid entry originally published here, Kevin discusses his experience with depression and anxiety and some of the support that helps him in his journey. While his experience is unique, just like each of our own, we are sure many can relate to his struggles and victories. We thank Kevin for allowing us to share this with you. Read his story below

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Interview Podcast

Interview by Thee Adventures of Matt

Know Your Why would like to give a big thank you to Matt G from Thee Adventures of Matt for his interview featuring our founder Chris D.

Matt and Chris discuss Know Your Why, some personal experiences, and the state of treatment in their respective areas amongst other topics. If you missed the live cast you can view it here

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Article Summary Blog Brief Thoughts General Information Linked Articles

Nutrients to help with addiction, withdrawal, and mental health

Below is a brief article summarizing some potential supplement options that can assist with addiction and withdrawal. Even if you don’t have an addiction or withdrawal problem, you may find the information useful as these supplements can benefit brain functioning.

(Disclaimer: Know Your Why is not intended to replace the guidance or treatment of a doctor or nutritionist, nor do we claim to be experts in this field. Please speak with a doctor or nutritionist before supplementation or diet changes. The below information comes from a blog by Jordan Fallis along with the sources used in the blog.)

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General Information Uncategorized

Know Your Why Recovery teaser video


We are experimenting with some animated videos. Please leave your feedback below or email us

Also, what type of content would you like to see in animated form?

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